How to Enhance your Gut Microbiome on April 2nd

Are you struggling with your gut health? You are not alone. According to the American Gastroenterological Association, 60-70 million Americans are suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) diseases that can create serious disruptions to daily life.

Join Dr. Katie DiNello, ND for How to Enhance your Gut Microbiome, a free webinar on Tuesday, April 2nd at 7 PM EST! 

Dr. DiNello will be answering all of your questions on gut health including:

  • What is the microbiome?
  • How does it affect our overall health?
  • How do we optimize it?

Utilize our live chat to ask your questions live and gain access to a complimentary red light therapy session by attending this event! Reserve your spot today and call us at (860) 674-0111 with any questions. We hope to see you there!

Presented by


Dr. Katie DiNello

Dr. DiNello’s undergraduate studies in nutritional science and personal healing journey redirected her path from conventional to naturopathic medical school where she experienced the power of an integrative medicine approach in identifying and treating the underlying causes of disease. She is deeply passionate about providing affordable and accessible medicine that is personalized to a patient’s unique needs. She believes her role as a physician is to help patients make empowered, educated decisions about their health care.

Dr. DiNello is certified in functional medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. She has specific interests in integrative approaches for optimizing athletic performance, weight loss, and balancing hormones but also treats gastrointestinal conditions, anxiety and depression, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

The beauty of naturopathic medicine is its diverse array of treatment potentials based on a patient’s specialized and personal needs. Dr. DiNello employs techniques including craniosacral therapy and visceral manipulation to restore motion while incorporating nutrition, botanical medicine, and nutraceuticals to address foundational health.